1inch Wallet

Access Instadapp Lite using your 1inch Wallet

1inch is a powerful DEX and now a powerful self custodial wallet! You can access Instadapp Lite using your 1inch Wallet.

Open the built-in Web3 browser

To get started, open the browser located on the bottom and enter the Lite webpage: https://lite.instadapp.io/

Depositing into Instadapp Lite Vaults

Your 1inch wallet will automatically connect, the center value is your total holdings on Instadapp Lite.

Scroll down to view vaults and find your preferred Lite Vault. Instadapp Lite offers staking powered yields on ETH, WBTC, DAI and USDC.

Review Transaction and Risks

Instadapp Lite is a complex DeFi lego which utilizes many different protocols to generate yield. Please review carefully! You can find more information around protocol risks here:


Submitting and completing Deposit

Once your transaction confirms on chain you will find your deposited balance on the platform. Interest on lite occurs daily you will see your first earnings after 24 hours.

Learn more about Instadapp Lite

Instadapp Lite DAppDeFi Yields ExplainedFAQsRisks

Last updated